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What is transformational coaching?

It is a way of exploring a client’s inner world of beliefs, assumptions, values and expectations in order to create greater possibilities for ways of being in life.

Imagine an iceberg...

The way you present yourself - your words, behaviours and responses - is the tip of the iceberg, the bit that is seen, the part that everyone is aware of.

Just below the surface you may be aware of your thoughts, needs and feelings but others may not know these things about you.

At the very bottom of the iceberg, this is what makes you, you; the story behind why you do what you do…your assumptions, beliefs and values. These may be outside your awareness at the moment.


This is where the transformative coaching work takes place.


How coaching helps

Through coaching I can help you realise your potential, identify what is holding you back, and help move you towards achieving goals which may feel just out of reach.

Common barriers include burnout, perfectionism, people pleasing, lack of fulfillment, grief and procrastination.

What is the difference between
Coaching, Mentoring and Therapy?

This is question that confuses most people! Undoubtedly there is an overlap, and many different definitions but to keep things simple, this is how I would define them:


Coaching essentially looks at where you are now and where you would like to get to: this can then be broken down into small, practical steps over the course of a few weeks (see What to expect below) It is client led and predominantly future-focused, though exploration and understanding of thoughts, emotions and behaviours from the past may also be worth looking at.


Mentoring is a way of teaching and guiding clients, elements of this may be woven into the coaching process through exercises.


Therapy also explores thoughts, feelings, emotions and behaviours but this may be more in depth, perhaps focused more on childhood and past events, and a therapist may spend more time examining the impact of earlier experiences than coaching.

Which is best for you?
If you are unsure, I would be very happy to discuss this with you in a Discovery Call. I can help you work it out and will recommend therapy if I believe it is more appropriate for you. I am happy to answer any queries or concerns you might have, even if you are not looking to book in a Discovery Call just yet. Please do email me
How It Works

What to expect

What happens after you email me?

Discovery Call: I will invite you for a free, no-obligation Discovery Call. In this, we will chat about your story, what you might hope to achieve through the coaching journey and how motivated for change you are. I aim to give you a little taster of coaching during that time.

Deciding To Work Together: If you feel that we have a comfortable rapport and would work well collaboratively, you can email after the Discovery Call to confirm. Session days, times and frequency will then be agreed and I will send you a contract.

Your online sessions: Once the contract is signed and returned, I will send you a zoom link for your recurring sessions.

Frequency: You can expect 6-8 sessions initially, with the option to extend should you wish to. They can be weekly, fortnightly, or monthly depending on your availability. Sessions are usually 50 minutes unless agreed otherwise.


Extras: The coaching journey is very individual but some clients welcome homework, emailed session summary notes or goals or the next session - this is something that can be discussed on the Discovery Call.


Check In: I will offer you a 2-3 month check in session to touch base and see how you are getting on.


Clients are always welcome to book back in at any time if they are facing a new life situation in which coaching
could be useful.

Important note regarding professional integrity:

It is important for clients to be aware that, until July 2025*, I will be offering coaching only (drawing on my counselling skills) and am mindful of working within my limitations. Should anything come up within the coaching space that is outside my level of expertise, I will refer you on to a trained counsellor instead. If prospective clients have any questions about whether coaching or therapy is more suitable for them, I am very happy to discuss this further in a Discovery Call.

*From July 2025 I will be offering both counselling and coaching.


FREE 1/2 hour Discovery Call

Autumn 2024

  • Standard rate:   £55 per session

  • Concessionary rate: £50 for students (with valid student ID) and seniors (70+)

  • Discretionary fee:  to be agreed on an individual basis for those on low income (subject to availability)

Please email

for further information

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